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Gum Treatment
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gum treatment

Gum Treatment

Gum disease, which appears to be an inflammation caused by bacteria. The first step of the disease is called “gingivitis”

Symptoms of gingivitis are:

  • Swelling of the gums, redness, andsometimes,
  • Gums can bleed easily

Gingivitis can usually be eliminated with good dental hygiene and includes:

  • Daily cleaning with brush and thread, and regular “deep” cleaning by a dentist or dental health professional.
  • If gingivitis can not be prevented by good dental hygiene, gum treatment is necessary.

Gum Treatments :

The first step is a non-surgical procedure: usually called “deep cleaning”, which includes peeling and root planing.

Scaling :

Remove plaque and stain

Root Planing:

Smooth or plan the exposed root surfaces, by removing the calci}cation.This procedure helps the gingival tissue to heal and the gingival pockets to shrink.After deep cleaning, most patients do not need any additional treatment, only preventive / good dental care.

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