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NNN Veneer
Call us On : (+968) 220 055 23 / 24, Email us : kmc@kinaan.net

NNN Veneer


NNN Veneer

That smile you always dreamed of. We got it. Perfecting your smile is not impossible. Fortunately, We have developed there volutionary, quick and painless, NNN VENEER Streatment that offer an immediate glowing and perfect smile.

Benefits Of NNN VENEERS :

NNN Veneers provide a number of benefits. Covering aesthetic flaws is one of the major benefits that you can enjoy by getting NNN Veneers with No Pain. No Injection. No Drilling.

NNN Veneers can cover up aesthetic flaws.

If you have a tooth that is chipped, broken, uneven, or irregularly shaped, then you can cover it with a NNN veneer so that it looks like a normal tooth.

NNN VENEERS : What is involved ?

An impression of your teeth is taken by the Dentist and then your photos and records are sent to NNN Veneers Dental Laboratory were a specialized team dental technicians creates your dream smile.

Within few days your NNN Veneers Certified Dentist will check the fit of your NNN Veneers, etch your teeth to ensure that a lasting bond is achieved and then bond the NNN Veneers to your teeth. The Dentist will check the bite to make sure it is balanced and that no chips will occur.

Unlike traditional veneers that require drilling and shots , NNN Veneers do not which preserves the integrity of your teeth and there is NO PAIN. NO INJECTION. NO DRILLING.

Where do I find NNN VENEERS Dentists ?

Kindly note that 3N veneer products are strictly used by 3N certified dentists that are listed only on 3N website. All products will never be supplied to non-certified dentists as the treatment procedure of NNN Veneers includes very sensitive techniques that are only instructed to the dentists that are trained and certified by 3Ncompany.

(Dr.Roaa Layth NNN certified dentist)

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