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Gynecology & Obstetris​
Call us On : (+968) 220 055 23 / 24, Email us : kmc@kinaan.net

Gynecology & Obstetris


Gynecology & Obstetris

At KMC, we offer wide range of gynecologic services to women with complex problems including management of pain and bleeding problems, and hormonal disturbances. 

The Obstetrics, Gynecology & Women’s Health program at Kinaan medical center is dedicated to meeting the unique and changing medical needs of women of all ages. From antenatal care, maternal-fetal medicine to urogynecology, and minimally invasive treatments, our team is expert in coordinated and supportive treatment of the problems that impact women’s lives. 


  • Pregnant care program including high risk cases (diabetes, hypertension, anemia, …).
  • Management of delayed pregnancy and recurrent abortions.
  • Cervix screening programs.·
  • Management of cervical dysplasia·
  • Family planning·
  • Menopause and hormone replacement therapy·
  • Abnormal genital bleeding·
  • Endometrial disorders·
  • Infectious diseases·
  • Well woman·
  • Ovarian cysts, polycystic ovarian syndrome and other pathology·
  • Female endocrine disorders·
  • Uterine fibroids·
  • Urinary incontinence·
  • Endometriosis·
  • Pelvic pain·
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Adolescent gynecology
  • Benign breast disorders·
  • Pelvic ultrasound
  • Vaginal disorders/trauma after childbirth  


Contact Us

  • Near Seeb Stadium
  • +968 - 220 055 23 / 24
  • kmc@kinaan.net
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